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2012 Highlights







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December, 2012







Monetary Authority of Singapore: Macroeconomic Review, Volume XI, Issue 2, October 2012 (Full Report, Presentation Slides for Briefing):  


MAS Financial Stability Review, November 2012. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) conducts regular assessment of risks and vulnerabilities arising from developments in Singapore and the global economy, and assesses their implications on the soundness and stability of Singapore’s financial system. The analysis and results are contained in the Financial Stability Review (FSR), which aims to contribute to a greater understanding among market participants, analysts and the public on issues affecting Singapore's financial system.  


MAS Survey of Professional Forecasters, December 2012. The MAS Survey of Professional Forecasters provides a summary of forecasts of Singapore's key economic indicators by economists and analysts. The survey is conducted quarterly following the release of economic data for the previous quarter by the Ministry of Trade and Industry.  


Asian Development Outlook 2012 Supplement: Data is Mixed, but Asia Continues Steady Economic Growth, December 2012. According to this Supplement's findings, the surging economies of Southeast Asia have been a bright spot in an otherwise subdued 2012 growth performance in developing Asia, but the broader region should still pick up steam in 2013. Mixed third quarter data broadly support the forecasts in October’s Asian Development Outlook 2012 Update for developing Asia, with downside developments slightly outweighing positive events...



Pacific Economic Monitor, December 2012. Global economic prospects remain weak due to persistent fiscal and banking difficulties in the Eurozone, coupled with emerging slowdowns in developing economies. However, the impact of this sluggishness on Pacific economies has, so far, been limited to declines in agriculture and forestry export earnings. Domestic infrastructure spending is seen as driving fluctuations in growth in the larger resource exporting economies - Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Timor-Leste. Tourism to the Pacific generally remains robust. Growth in Australia - the region’s leading economic anchor - remains strong despite depressed global prices for its commodity exports...



The Quiet Revolution in Staple Food Value Chains: Enter the Dragon, the Elephant, and the Tiger, Published 2012. The study has several broad strategic implications. First, there is no “silver bullet” for the challenges facing staples value chains in the region, although individual changes like technology changes can have powerful knock-on effects in the chain. Rather, a suite of policy and program measures is needed at various levels of the supply chain in order to stimulate the efficiency and competitiveness of expanding staples markets. Even small reductions in margins can lead to large benefits for producers and consumers...



Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific, Published 2012. Focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, this volume surveys trends and prospects in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) with particular reference to achieving inclusive growth and the greening of economies. Underlying the increasing pressure for new models of TVET provision is the rapid pace of technological change, demand for a work force which is highly responsive to evolving needs and a transforming market place that calls for higher order skills and lifelong learning...



The Persistence of Current Account Balances and its Determinants: The Implications for Global Rebalancing, December 2012. This paper examines the statistical nature of the persistency of current account balances and its determinants. With the assumption that stationary current account series ensures the long-run budget constraint while countries may experience "local non-stationarity" in current account balances, the authors examine the dynamics of current account balances across a panel of 70 countries.



2012 Key APEC Documents



APEC Energy Statistics 2010. Published 2012 (Full Report) covering:  


APEC Energy Handbook 2010, Published 2012



APEC Workshop on Paths toward Sustainable Low Carbon Economies Based on Rational Use of Renewable Energies, November 2012



Measures of Competition Development in APEC, November 2012



Decent Work during/after Maternity and Childcare Leave, Final report, November 2012



Classic Cases in Public Health Emergency, November 2012



A Guide to Public Health Emergency Response Capacity Building, November 2012



Comments on India's Economic Growth Prospects in their Social Context, October 2012



The Asian Super Grid, November 2012



Japan: Building a Galapagos of Power? November 2012



Bomb After Bomb: US Air Power and Crimes of War From World War II to the Present, November 2012



A Personal View of Volunteering in Iwate After 3. 11: In Whose Service? November 2012



United Nations Report Reveals the Ongoing Legacy of Nuclear Colonialism in the Marshall Islands, November 2012



Darvish in Texas: Haafu identity and athletic celebrity, November 2012



Power Politics: Japan's Resilient Nuclear Village, October 2012



It Is Not Chittagong Here - It Is Indonesia, October 2012



Life-world: Beyond Fukushima and Minamata, October 2012



Local Economies and the Future of Environmental Sustainability in Japan and Asia: Osaka and Kitakyushu, October 2012



Strategic Imperatives for US-Japan Outer Space Cooperation, December 2012 explains that “Japan must continue to advance its own strategic vision for space, and with the United States as a foundational partner, make good on its commitment to peaceful international cooperation.”



After Obama's Visit: The US-Thailand Alliance and China, December 2012 highlights that "Washington cannot simply rely on this feel-good moment and must invest considerable resources to assuage Thai concerns about the United States seeking to manipulate Thailand against China and increase regional conflict."



Obama in Thailand: Charting a New Course for the Alliance? December 2012 states that "One concrete and immediate answer [to the purpose of the US-Thai alliance in the 21st century was Bangkok's announcement that Thailand will join the Proliferation Security Initiative, expanding cooperation in a critical area."



Whatever Happened to Myanmar as the "Outpost of Tyranny"? November 2012 explicates that "At this remarkable moment, US-Burma/Myanmar relations are the best that they have been since the independence of the Union of Burma in 1948."



Mobilizing Resources, Buidling Coalitions: Local Power in Indonesia, Published 2012. What have been the local political consequences of Indonesia's decentralization and electoral reforms? Some recent scholarship has emphasized continuity with Suharto's New Order, arguing that under the new rules, old elites have used money and intimidation to capture elected office. Studies detail the widespread practice of "money politics," in which candidates exchange patronage for support from voters and parties. Yet significant variation characterizes Indonesia's local politics, which suggests the need for an approach that differentiates contrasting power arrangements...



Green Cities, November 2012. One purpose of this book is to direct the green agenda toward compact, multifunctional, and efficient urban areas. It focuses on "greening" of a number of urban infrastructure services such as urban transport, and provision of water and sanitation services, waste management, and energy sources for urban areas...



Virginia Review of Asian Studies 2012  


Impact of Production Linkages on Industrial Upgrading in ASEAN, the People's Republic of China, and India: Organizational Evidence of a Global Supply Chain, November 2012. Evidence from interconnected firms in Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, and Viet Nam suggests that there are strong spillover effects between downstream and upstream firms in terms of international standard certification. The degree of product and process innovation is quite diverse across manufacturing firms within a local supply chain and within a global supply chain.



Lifestyle Choices and Societal Behavior Changes as Local Climate Strategy, November 2012. This paper attempts to identify lifestyle changes at the individual level and behavioral changes at the community level that could offer high carbon abatement potential. It also provides some good practices of public policies and policy recommendations that can be pivotal in making a business case of low-carbon and eco-efficient lifestyles, strengthening collective awareness, and influencing public decision-making in developing countries in Asia.



Historical Sources of Institutional Trajectories in Economic Development: China, Japan, and Korea Compared, November 2012. This essay provides a game-theoretic, endogenous view of institutions, and then applies the idea to identify the sources of institutional trajectories of economic development in China, Japan, and Korea. It stylizes the Malthusian-phase of East Asian economies as peasant-based economies in which small families allocated their working time between farming on small plots—leased or owned—and handcrafting for personal consumption and markets. It then compares institutional arrangements across these economies that sustained otherwise similar economies...



The Greater Mekong Subregion at 20: Progress and Prospects, Published 2012



Classification of ADB Assistance for Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Development (1998-2010), Published 2012



Guidebook on APEC Privacy and Trustmark, Published 2012. APEC economies endorse the principles-based APEC Privacy Framework as an important tool in encouraging the development of appropriate information privacy protections and ensuring the free flow of information in the Asia Pacific region...



Report for Workshop on APEC Network Building - Applied Space Technology Centers, November 2012. This workshop provided a forum for various experts and stakeholders involved in forestry and remote sensing areas to discuss and review the application of satellite data for sustainable forestry, development and support of REDD+ project (which helps to protect forests and prevent climate change) as well as attraction of investment for the implementation of joint bi- and multi-lateral project in APEC region.



The 2012 APEC List of Environmental Goods, November 2012



Business Growth Opportunities in the New APEC Economy, October 2012. This APEC project seeks to support APEC’s tourism growth aims by drawing on information from previous impediments studies and identifying those opportunities for business that APEC can support...



Survey of Information Exchange on Competition in APEC Region. Phase I, November 2012. The Survey seeks to provide potential benefits for the APEC economies by facilitating information exchange on competition law enforcement and policies among them.



APEC Peer Review on Energy Efficiency: Viet Nam Follow-up, November 2012. This is a summary report of one of the workshops under the APEC Peer Review on Energy Efficiency Program. The workshop was held in Viet Nam, 27 February to 2 March, 2012 with the objectives of training national and city.



Final Report: Symposium Enhancing Cooperation of Medical Rapid Response Teams in Case of International Disaster Response in APEC Economies, November 2012. This report summarizes the outcomes of the above symposium held in June 2012 in Russia.



Study on the Readiness of ECO Implementation in Cross-Border Trade in APEC Region, September 2012. This report includes summaries on the basic conditions to a successful ECO cross-border transmission via analyzing and drawing lessons from Korea-Chinese Taipei ECO Pathfinder Project. Based on these basic conditions, the report has analyzed the readiness of APEC member economies.



The Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology on Crops Productivity, July 2012. The workshop aims at ensuring participants to share experiences, expertise and lessons on the issues related to the application of remote sensing and GIS technology on crops productivity (especially food crops or specific priority crops, rice and wheat) and food...



How do the poor handle money? What do the financial diaries of char dwellers tell us about financial inclusion? 2012



Engel Curves and Equivalence Scales for Bangladesh, 2012



The Link Between Fiscal Deficit and Inflation: Do public sector wages matter? 2012



The Evolution of Manufacturing Efficiency: Evidence from Indian States, 2012



India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme as it is - Interpreting the Official Report, 2012



Hong Kong: High Frequency Macroeconomic Forecasts Current Quarter Model: 2012Q4, October 2012



Does Majority Rule Produce Hasty Decisions? September 2012. In collective decision-making, impatient or low-stake voters are attractive allies if some group members want to stop deliberations to decide for their favored alternative. Competition for their votes can lead to hasty outcomes through strategic complementarity in the stopping decision. Majority rule is not robust in that one very impatient agent can cause the whole group to rush to a decision...



The Power of Whispers: A Theory of Rumor, Communication and Revolution, September 2012. We study the role rumors play in revolutions using a global game model. Agents with diverse private information rationally evaluate the informativeness of rumors about the regime strength. Without communication among agents, wild rumors are discounted and agents are generally less responsive to rumors than to trustworthy news...



Sniping to Manipulate Closing Prices in Call Auctions: Evidence from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, September 2012. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange briefly adopted call auctions as its closing mechanism. We find evidence of abnormally large orders and price changes during the last five seconds of the auction sessions. Such sniping attacks were associated with the expiration of derivative products, which provided an incentive for price manipulation...



Implications of Projected Philippine Population Growth, Age Structure Change, and Aging: Using National Transfer Accounts Results, October 2012



Philippines 2007 National Transfer Accounts: Consumption, Income, and Intergenerational Reallocation of Resources, October 2012



Credit Subsidy in Philippine Agriculture, October 2012



Rice Prices and the National Food Authority, October 2012



Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Indicators, October 2012



An Assessment of TESDA Scholarship Programs, September 2012



Improvement of the Implementation Procedures and Management Systems for the Health Facilities Enhancement Grant of the DOH, September 2012



Assessing the Resilience of ASEAN Banking Systems: the Case of the Philippines, September 2012



A Macroprudential Framework for Monitoring and Examining Financial Soundness, September 2012



Finding Solutions to the Mindanao Electric Power Problem, August 2012



Progress in Ratification and Implementation of ASEAN Protocols and Agreements in the Philippine Transport Sector, August 2012



The Impact of Trade Liberalization and Economic Integration on the Logistics Industry: Maritime Transport and Freight Forwarders, August 2012



The ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint: Implementation and Effectiveness Assessment for Philippine Agriculture, July 2012



Comparative Study on the Different Free Trade Agreements Entered Into by Japan with other Asian Countries, July 2012











November, 2012







Digital Islands: How the Pacific's ICT Revolution is Transforming the Region, November 2012. The Pacific Islands region is in the midst of an information and communications technology (ICT) revolution that could have profound implications, particularly for democratic governance and the region’s development. Approximately 60 per cent of Pacific Islanders now have access to a mobile phone and this figure continues to climb. Mobile Internet is leapfrogging obvious barriers to Internet access such as geographical remoteness, financial cost and availability.



Asia Bond Monitor, November 2012. Despite the uncertainties in global financial markets, the performance of local currency (LCY) bond markets has been robust. The five most rapidly growing government bond markets in 3Q12 on a quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) basis were Malaysia, Singapore, the PRC, the Philippines, and Thailand...



Tobacco Taxes: A Win-Win Measure for Fiscal Space and Health, November 2012. Two-thirds of the world’s tobacco users live in just 15 countries, and 5 of these high-burden countries (People’s Republic of China, India, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam) are in Asia. This report aims to assess how changes in cigarette taxes can reduce consumption and save lives in these high-burden countries.



Prospects for Services Trade Negotiations, November 2012. This paper examines what has been achieved in both regional and multilateral compacts by surveying international precedents involving Asian countries in which services reforms have been included in bilateral and regional trade pacts...



Valuing Electricity Service Attributes: A Choice Experiment Study in Madhya Pradesh, India, November 2012. This paper presents the results of a choice experiment study undertaken to value electricity service attributes in Madhya Pradesh, India. Primary data was collected from 2,083 households using stratified random sampling method. Results show that existing service is very poor and consumers have substantial willingness to pay (WTP) for changing the status quo...



Government Fiscal Policies and Redistribution in Asian Countries, October 2012. This paper assesses the impact of government fiscal policies on income inequality in Asia. It discusses the role and effectiveness of redistributive fiscal policies and quantifies the effects of taxation and government expenditure on income distributions. Panel estimation for 150 countries with data between 1970 and 2009 confirms international empirical findings for Asia...



Chinese Domestic Debates on Public Diplomacy, November 2012. This bulletin states that "Overall, there is widespread acknowledgement of the importance and necessity of public diplomacy and soft power in explaining China to the rest of the world."



China's Transparency Deficit Complicates Beijing's Regional Outreach, November 2012. This bulletin explains that "A China with a more transparent political system can help provide the foundations for more stable and sustainable regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific going forward."



The Relationship between Structural Change and Inequality: A Conceptual Overview with Special Reference to Developing Asia, November 2012. Structural change has a far-reaching impact on inequality. Extensive structural change is both a cause and consequence of the exceptionally rapid economic growth, which enabled developing Asia to raise living standards and reduce poverty at a historically unprecedented rate...



Financial Safety Nets in Asia: Genesis, Evolution, Adequacy, and Way Forward, November 2012. Financial safety nets in Asia have come a long way since the Asian Financial Crisis (AFC) of 1997–98. Not wanting to rely solely on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) again, the Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI) was created in 2000. When the CMI also proved inadequate following the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), it was first multilateralized (CMIM), and then doubled in size to $240 billion, while the IMF de-linked portion was increased to 30%...



Regional Financial Arrangements and the International Monetary Fund, November 2012. The rise of regional monetary arrangements poses a challenge for the International Monetary Fund (IMF)'s global surveillance efforts. This paper reviews how the IMF has responded to earlier regional initiatives, from the European Payments Union of the 1950s and the Gold Pool of the 1960s to the CFA franc zone and the European Monetary System...



The People's Republic of China and Global Imbalances from a View of Sectorial Reforms, November 2012. This paper examines the impact of sectorial reforms on current account imbalances, with a special focus on the People's Republic of China (PRC). In particular, it investigates to what extent reforms pertaining to the financial sector, social protection, and healthcare may contribute to a rebalancing of the PRC's persistent current account imbalances...



Assessment of Vulnerability to Natural Hazards at Subnational Level: Provincial Estimates for the Philippines, September 2012



Policy Coordination for Food Security: the Case of the ASEAN Rice Trade Forum, September 2012



Rice Self-sufficiency: Is It Feasible? September 2012



Productivity Growth as Key Driver of Development: Finding the Right Policy Mix, August 2012



Education Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific, August 2012



Addressing Late School Entry and other Demand-side Barriers to Primary Schooling, July 2012



Enhancing the Protection and Promotion of Migrant Workers` Rights in ASEAN, Published 2012



Policy on Irregular Migrants in Malaysia: an Analysis of its Implementation and Effectiveness, Published 2012



Protecting Vulnerable OFWs: the Case of Filipino Household Service Workers (HSWs), Published 2012



Understanding Singapore`s Policies Toward Inflow of Foreign Talent, Published 2012



Understanding Singapore`s Policies Toward Inflow of Foreign Low-skilled Workers, Published 2012



Rationalizing the Public Higher Education Service, March-April 2012



Mongolia's Turn at the "Great Game", November 2012. This bulletin explains that "Mongolia's extensive experience in manipulating the ambitions of powerful states along its borders greatly influences the way it views its place in the globalized world and hones its skill in international gamesmanship."



Results, Expectations, and Challenges for Cambodia's 2012 ASEAN Chairmanship, October 2012  


A Double-Edged Sword: Information Technology in North Korea, October 2012. With North Korea's tightly controlled and isolated population, the rise of information technology—specifically cell phones and an intranet—is an unprecedented development. In the last decade, a domestic intranet was launched and a cell phone network was created. Both of these form a closed, domestic system, which the regime hopes will allow for productivity gains from increased coordination and the sharing of state-approved information, while keeping out foreign influences. North Korea is now confronted with the challenge of how to reap the economic benefits of an IT system, while avoiding the social instability that may accompany it...



Reducing Disparities and Enhancing Sustainability in Asian Pension Systems, October 2012. Population aging is a global phenomenon but what sets Asia apart is the sheer scale and speed of its aging. Pension systems will have to play a bigger role but in most Asian countries pension systems are still underdeveloped, fragmented, and poorly financed. The paper highlights the need to undertake systematic pension reform to provide affordable, adequate, and sustainable economic security to Asia’s large and growing elderly population...



Ending "Too Big To Fail": Government Promises versus Investor Perceptions, October 2012. Can a government credibly promise not to bailout firms whose failure would have major negative systemic consequences? Our analysis of the Republic of Korea’s 1997–1999 crisis, suggests an answer: No. Despite a general “no bailout” policy during the crisis, the largest Korean corporate groups (chaebol)–facing severe financial and governance problems–could still borrow heavily from households through issuing bonds at prices implying very low expected default risk...



Do Contagion Effects Exist in Capital Flow Volatility? September 2012. The paper aims to assess what influences volatility of capital flows to emerging countries and whether or not there is a spillover or contagion effect in the volatility. The empirical results suggest strong and significant contagion effects from global and regional volatilities on the volatility of capital flows in different types to individual economies...



The Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III: Intentions, Unintended Consequences, and Lessons for Emerging Markets, October 2012. This paper is an attempt to explain the changes to finance sector reforms under the Dodd-Frank Act in the United States and Basel III requirements globally; their unintended consequences; and lessons for currently fast-growing emerging markets concerning finance sector reforms, government involvement in the finance sector, possible macroprudential safeguards against spillover risks from the global economy, and, finally, management of government debt and fiscal conditions.



Impact of Changes in the Global Financial Regulatory Landscape on Asian Emerging Markets, October 2012. This paper discusses the relevance of Basel III to Asian emerging markets. It reviews some of the proposed regulations of Basel III in order to evaluate their likely implications for, and their ability to enhance, the stability of the banking and financial system...



Growing Beyond the Low-Cost Advantage: How the People's Republic of China can Avoid the Middle-Income Trap, October 2012. The economic success of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) over the last three decades has brought with it new challenges. With a per capita gross national income (GNI) of $4,930 in 2011, the PRC has just passed the threshold of upper-middle-income status and it still has a long way to go before becoming a high-income country. But with rising wages and population aging, growth will have to be increasingly driven by productivity improvement through innovation and industrial upgrading—the PRC needs to move from a lowcost to a high-value economy...



Transport Efficiency through Logistics Development: Policy Study, Published 2012. This study, which was produced through a technical assistance project for the Transport Efficiency through Logistics Development Policy Study developed through close collaboration between the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of the People’s Republic of China, makes various policy recommendations...



The State of Pacific Towns and Cities: Urbanization in ADB's Pacific Developing Member Countries, Published 2012. This publication examines the urbanization process in the Pacific, the condition of urban infrastructure and services across the region, and the urban governance and management systems in place to manage urban development...



Effective Labor Market Signaling: A Strategy Addressing Unemployment and Talent, Published 2012. This report is divided into two sections. One, a comprehensive survey on the key and emerging industries of each member economy was conducted to ascertain skills requirements in industries that are vital and factor in the progress of the member economy. Two, a Forum was organized as a venue to present the results and gain insights from the APEC member economies in discussing and assessing identified signals and LMI issues that aid monitoring and analyzing socioeconomic and employment policies and programs.



Women's Micro-enterprise Trade Network Pilot, November 2012. The report examines some of the conditions necessary to assist women-owned micro-enterprises in the region find and enter new markets, with a particular focus on women micro-enterprise owners in rural, remote and Indigenous communities who experience significant challenges to access markets.



Outcome Report: Symposium on Supply-chain Connectivity Measurement Framework, August 2012. This report summarizes the key discussions and outcomes at the Symposium, covering the experience shared by APEC members and experts on the measurement of supply chain connectivity, the stocktaking of the SCFAP implementation, and discussion on the self-assessment survey which is to complement the external and internal indicators of the SCFAP.











October, 2012







Sri Lanka's Ongoing Struggle for Democracy, October 2012  


Report Workshop on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions, Published 2012. This report presents the sharing of experiences and describe domestic best practices. The objective of the workshop was to address within APEC economies the issue of limitations and exceptions (L&E) to copyright and related rights, in order to create a better understanding of how the issue of limitations and exceptions has been addressed across the different economies.



Establishing Monetary Union in the Gulf Cooperation Council: What Lessons for Regional Cooperation? October 2012. The paper reviews the experience of regional economic cooperation in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Conceived as a regional security alliance, the GCC has evolved to become a common market in the making...



Financial Globalization in Emerging Countries: Diversification vs. Offshoring, October 2012. Financial globalization has gathered attention since the early 1990s because of its macro-financial and crisis implications and its perceived large expansion. This paper examines two important concurrent dimensions of financial globalization relevant for emerging countries: diversification and offshoring...



Internationalization of Tertiary Education Services in Singapore, October 2012. This paper traces the development of the education sector from its nascent stage of serving economic development needs to the internationalization stage of fulfilling Singapore's aspiration to be a global education hub...



Demographics, Labor Mobility, and Productivity, October 2012. This paper considers two major issues that need to be treated as matters of urgency. First, internal (within country) migrations in the Asian (ACI) region are mostly undocumented and large. Second, the emerging demographic imbalances in the form of aging, which will give dependency ratios that have never been experienced in all of recorded human existence...



The Audacity of Reasonableness: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, US Foreign Policy and Australia, October 2012. The argument of this Analysis is that when it comes to foreign policy, the similarities between the two men are more striking than the differences. President Obama is not as left-wing and dovish as many believe, and Governor Romney is not as right-wing and hawkish as he would have us believe. Americans face an important choice on 6 November. Their decision will be felt here in Australia. But the world is not at a crossroads...



Pirates and Privateers: Managing the Indian Ocean's Private Security Boom, September 2012. The fight against Somali-based pirates is becoming a private battle as global defence cuts reduce naval counter-piracy deployments. Because governments have struggled to contain the spread of piracy in the Indian Ocean, shipping companies have turned to private military security companies to guarantee the safety of their crews and cargo. Private armed teams have proliferated on commercial shipping and several private armed vessels are operating in the region. Meanwhile, some governments are hiring out their own national militaries as security guards onboard ships...



Egypt's Islamist President: What Lies Ahead? July 2012. On 30 June 2012, Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood was sworn in as Egypt’s first ever democratically elected President. In an effort to address some of the questions raised by this development, we are republishing, with a new foreword, the Muslim Brotherhood chapter from the 2008 Lowy Institute Paper, ‘Zealous Democrats: Islamism and Democracy in Egypt, Indonesia and Turkey’. Despite the passage of time, a number observations made in our 2008 research remain relevant to the situation today as the Brotherhood navigates Egypt's still fragile political transition...



2012 APEC Economic Policy Report. Part I analyzes the overall collective progress by APEC between 2009 and 2011, based on the World Bank’s Doing Business database, which estimated that APEC made collective progress in the EoDB initiative equal to 8.2 percent, exceeding the 2011 interim target of 5 percent. Part II provides a detailed assessment of APEC’s progress in each priority area, identifying which indicators best explain the progress achieved thus far, and illustrating specific examples of effective implementation measures in individual economies that led to improvements in those areas. Part III reviews individual economies’ EoDB activities and achievements in order to provide a comprehensive interim assessment of the APEC’s EoDB initiative.  


2012 CTI Annual Report to Ministers



Monetary Authority of Singapore: MAS Survey of Professional Forecasters, September 2012, 2011 The Singapore Corporate Debt Market Review, July 2012 and 2011 Singapore Asset Management Industry Survey, July 2012  


Yonaguni: Dilemmas of a Frontier Island in the East China Sea, October 2012



Systemic Destabilization in Recent American History: 9/11, the JFK Assassination, and the Oklahoma City Bombing as a Strategy of Tension, September 2012



"We were all in this together …" Challenges to and practices of cleanliness in tsunami evacuation shelters in Yamada, Iwate Prefecture, 2011, September 2012



Japan's Energy Policy at a Crossroads: A Renewable Energy Future? September 2012



Drawing a Line between Peaceful and Military Uses of Nuclear Power: The Japanese Press, 1945 - 1955, September 2012



Japan's Nuclear Village, September 2012



Troubled Seas: Japan's Pacific and East China Sea Domains (and Claims), September 2012



A Camouflaged Military: Japan's Self-Defense Forces and Globalized Gender Mainstreaming, September 2012



Why Americans Must End America's Self-Generating Wars, September 2012



Out With Human Rights, In With Government-Authored History: The Comfort Women and the Hashimoto Prescription for a 'New Japan', September 2012



Japanese Youth: An Interactive Dialogue: Towards Comparative Youth Research, August 2012



ASEAN'S Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: A Litmus Test for Community-Building? August 2012



Chinese Strategic Miscalculations in the South China Sea, September 2012  


Terrorism in Perspective: An Assessment of 'Jihad Project' Trends in Indonesia, September 2012  


How Should We Bank With Foreigners? An Empirical Assessment of Lending Behavior of International Banks to Six East Asian Economies, October 2012 covering Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.



Public-Private Partnership Operational Plan 2012-2020



Asian Development Outlook 2012 Update (Highlights and Full Report). According to this Update's findings, dimming global growth prospects and soft domestic demand in the region’s two largest economies are slowing the pace of developing Asia’s expansion. Growth is now expected to slide from 7.2% in 2011 to 6.1% in 2012, with a bounce back to 6.7% in 2013...



The Emerging "Post-Doha" Agenda and the New Regionalism in the Asia-Pacific, October 2012. This paper considers emerging commercial policy challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region in light of the impasse reached at the Eighth World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting in December 2011...



The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank: Should Asia Have Both? October 2012. This paper examines the complementary and competitive roles of the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Asia given the backdrop of a changing world in which development priorities and challenges are changing rapidly and the rapid expansion of financial flows to developing countries is challenging the influence of these organizations...



Sovereign Risk: A Macro-Financial Perspective, October 2012



Anatomy of South-South FTAs in Asia: Comparisons with Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific Islands, September 2012



Different Types of Firms, Products, and Directions of Trade: The Case of the People's Republic of China, August 2012



On Measuring Human Capital: A Case Study of Viet Nam, September 2012. This study develops a productivity-based single measure of human capital, taking account different levels of education and productivity differentials across workers...



Vertical Gravity, July 2012. The paper examines the drivers of international production networks and vertical trade integration in an augmented gravity model that employs the newly developed Network Trade Index...



Global Value Chains and the Transmission of Business Cycle Shocks, June 2012. This paper investigates empirically two channels through which a country’s integration into global value chains (GVCs) may increase the income elasticity of its exports...



Knowledge Solutions Series: On Knowledge Behaviors, On Decision Making, Innovation in the Public Sector, Knowledge as Culture, Managing Knowledge in Project Environments, and On Internal Knowledge Markets.



Food Security Policies in APEC, September 2012



Increasing the Knowledge and Awareness of Carbon capture and Storage: Capacity- Building in the APEC Region (Phase V), September 2012



Reforming Fossil-Fuel Subsidies to Reduce Waste and Limit CO2 Emissions while Protecting the Poor, September 2012



Post-Fukushima Realities and Japan's Energy Future, August 2012



Multiple Exposures: Korean Bodies and the Transnational Imagination, August 2012



"Revelations from the Sea": An Artist’s Response to the Disasters of March 11th, 2011, August 2012



DIMBY: Kaminoseki and the making/breaking of modern Japan, July 2012



From a "Dysfunctional Japanese-Style Industrialized Society" to an "Ordinary Nation"? July 2012



Post-War Warriors: Japanese Combatants in the Korean War, July 2012



The Suddenly Relevant Activist Antics of Artist Collective Chim↑Pom: Challenging Japan’s Nuclear Power Agenda, July 2012



The No Nukes 2012 Concert and the Role of Musicians in the Anti-Nuclear Movement, July 2012



Whose Peace? Anti-Military Litigation and the Right to Live in Peace in Postwar Japan, July 2012



North Korea's Partisan Family State, July 2012



Largest Demonstrations in Half a Century Protest the Restart of Japanese Nuclear Power Plants, July 2012



Red and Yellow: Thailand's Future in Check and Balance, July 2012



Muto Ruiko and the Movement of Fukushima Residents to Pursue Criminal Charges against Tepco Executives and Government Officials, July 2012



Nikon, Neo-Nationalists and a Censored Comfort Women Photo Exhibition, July 2012











September, 2012







Asia-Latin America Free Trade Agreements: An Instrument for Inter-Regional Liberalization and Integration? September 2012. This paper examines whether Asia-Latin America FTAs have facilitated market-led integration by liberalizing trade and behind the border regulatory barriers...



New Measures of the Trilemma Hypothesis: Implications for Asia, September 2012. The authors develop a new set of indexes of exchange rate stability, monetary policy independence, and financial market openness as the metrics for the trilemma hypothesis...



Confusion Down Under: Australia and the US Pivot to Asia, September 2012  


Asia Bond Monitor, September 2012 reviews recent developments in East Asian local currency bond markets along with the outlook, risks, and policy options. It covers the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus the People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; and the Republic of Korea.



World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and Subregional Development Banks in Latin America: Dynamics of a System of Multilateral Development Banks, September 2012



Myanmar in Transition: Opportunities and Challenges, August 2012



Confidence Building Between the DPRK and the U.S.: The Foundation for Settling the Korean Issues, August 2012



Federation: A Comparative Study of European Integration and Korean Reunification, August 2012



From Carrots to Sticks: Japanese Sanctions Towards the DPRK, August 2012



On China's Traditional Culture and Peaceful Development Strategy, August 2012



The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and Counter-Terrorism Cooperation, August 2012



Drop the Fallacy: The United States Is Not Blocking China's Rise, September 2012  


Permitting Issues Related to Carbon Capture and Storage for Coal-Based Power Plant Projects in Developing APEC Economies, September 2012



Research Report The International Seminar "Development of Engineering Professionals in APEC Economies", September 2012



Stock-Take of Electric Vehicle Interface with Electricity and Smart Grids across APEC Economies and the Potential for Harmonisation, August 2012



Disaster Recovery Checklist, July 2012



2012 APEC Senior Officials' Report on Economic and Technical Cooperation, September 2012



APEC Economic Policy Report: Executive Summary, Published 2012



Key Trends and Developments relating to Trade and Investment Measures and their Impact on the APEC Region, September 2012



Independent Assessment of the Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group and High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology, August 2012



Independent Assessment of the Policy Partnership on Women and The Economy, August 2012



Independent Assessment of the Anti-Corruption and Transparency Experts' Working Group, August 2012



APEC's Bogor Goals Dashboard, August 2012



APEC's Bogor Goals Progress Report, August 2012



Proceedings - The International Seminar "Development of Engineering Professionals in APEC Economies", August 2012



Higher Education Learning Profile and Social Development in the Asia-Pacific, August 2012



School Feeding in APEC Economies, July 2012



Marine Microorganisms: Capacity Building for a Broader Cooperative Research and Utilization, July 2012



Central Banking for Financial Stability: Some Lessons from the Recent Instability in the United States and Euro Area, August 2012



Central Banking for Financial Stability in Asia, August 2012



Managing Capital Flows in an Economic Community: The Case of ASEAN Capital Account Liberalization, August 2012



Burma 2012: Democracy and Dictatorship, June 2012



Death of the "Legendary Okama" Tōgō Ken: Challenging Commonsense Lifestyles in Postwar Japan, June 2012



Jipangu: Re-imagining Defeat in 21st-century Japan, June 2012



North Koreans in South Korea: In Search of Their Humanity, June 2012



Eco-Model City Kitakyushu and Japan's Disposal of Radioactive Tsunami Debris, June 2012



Japan's Economy in 2012: Multiple Challenges, June 2012



Plutonium and Japan's Nuclear Waste Problem: International Scientists Call for an End to Plutonium Reprocessing and Closing the Rokkasho Plant, June 2012



Lower Mekong Basin hydropower development and the trade-off between the traditional and modern sectors: 'Out with the old, in with the new', June 2012



The NATO Afghanistan War and US-Russian Relations: Drugs, Oil, and War, May 2012



An Afghan Okinawa, May 2012



Covering Capital Punishment: Murder Trials and the Media in Japan, May 2012



Can Japan Respond Better to its Next Large Disaster? May 2012



Okinawa's Nature Groaning – Let’s Turn Mt Kushi into a Forest of Life. On the Sixtieth Anniversary of the San Francisco Treaty and the Fortieth Anniversary of Okinawa’s Reversion to Japan, May 2012



After The Media Has Gone: Fukushima, Suicide and the Legacy of 3.11, May 2012



From Uniqlo to NGOs: The Problematic "Culture of Giving" in Inter-Disaster Japan, April 2012



The Highest Risk: Problems of Radiation at Reactor Unit 4, Fukushima Daiichi, April 2012



Living Along the Fenceline and Standing Army: The American Empire of Bases, April 2012











August, 2012







Uncomfortable Truths: Breaking the Impasse in the South China Sea, August 2012  


South China Sea: Not Just About "Free Navigation", August 2012  


Anaemic Ascent: Why China's Currency Is Far From Going Global, August 2012. China’s currency is on the rise. Buoyed by the economy’s outperformance and global trade impact, policy steps over the past few years have thrust the renminbi onto the global stage. Is the renminbi going to climb to become a major reserve currency...



Japan's Post-Triple-Disaster Growth Strategy, August 2012. The repercussions of the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011 spread far beyond the geographical areas directly affected. The disaster also highlighted Japan's many other structural challenges besides reconstruction needs, including persistently low growth, population aging and low fertility, burgeoning government debt, declining international competitiveness, and uncertain energy supplies...



Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2012 (Highlights, and Full Report):

Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2012 covers 48 economies: Afghanistan, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Taipei, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, and Viet Nam.



Institutions for Asian Integration: Innovation and Reform, August 2012



Coordinating Healthcare and Pension Policies: An Exploratory Study, August 2012



Regional Monetary Cooperation in Latin America, August 2012



What Went Wrong with the ROK-Japan Military Pact? July 2012  


Restraint for Now: Pakistan's Supreme Court Seeks Compromise with Government, July 2012  


The Message Behind Secretary Clinton's Trip to Mongolia, July 2012  


The US Pivot to Asia and Asia's Pivot to the US, July 2012  


Part of the Pivot? The Washington Declaration and US-NZ Relations, July 2012  


The Group of Twenty: Input and Output Legitimacy, Reforms, and Agenda, August 2012. This paper examines the debates and makes specific policy recommendations by which regionalism, the engagement of small states (through the role of Singapore and the 3-G coalition), and the expansion of the agenda can be utilized as a dynamic of reform for the G-20 without eroding the core strengths in terms of informality and issue-specific focus of the forum.



Narrowing the Development Divide in ASEAN: The Role of Policy, July 2012



Evaluation Lessons of a Global Financial Crisis for Asia and ADB, July 2012



Inequality of Human Opportunities in Developing Asia, June 2012. The paper analyzes equity of opportunity in basic education and infrastructure services in seven developing countries, namely, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam. It uses a method developed by the World Bank called the Human Opportunity Index. The study finds that inequality of opportunity is driven mainly by per capita household expenditure. This suggests that household poverty plays a crucial role in determining equitable access to basic services.



Malaysia's Investment Malaise: What Happened and Can It be Fixed? April 2012. Private investment in Malaysia has never fully recovered from the impact of the Asian financial crisis (AFC). Both domestic and foreign investment have remained lackluster post-AFC; while foreigners continue to shun Malaysia, it seems even domestic investors are fleeing as well, with Malaysia having become a net exporter of capital since 2005 ...



A Welfare Evaluation of East Asian Monetary Policy Regimes under Foreign Output Shock, February 2012



Papua New Guinea: Critical Development Constraints, Published 2012



Green Growth and Equity in the Context of Climate Change: Some Considerations, July 2012



Sino-Myanmar Relations: Security and Beyond, June 2012



Troubled Encounter: Japan-DPRK Non-Relations, June 2012



Occasional Allies, Enduring Rivals: Turkey's Relations with Iran, May 2012



Examination of Intense Climate-related Disasters in the Asia-Pacific, June 2012



Regional Cooperation in Education: Issues for Developing Countries in the Asia-Pacific, June 2012



Use of the Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (ACEF) by the Department of Agriculture, June 2012



Review of the Cheaper Medicines Program of the Philippines: Botika ng Barangay, Botika ng Bayan, P100 Treatment Pack, and the Role of PITC Pharma, Inc. in Government Drug Procurement, June 2012



Improving Teacher Deployment Practices in the Philippines, March 2012



Do FDI Inflows Have Positive Spillover Effects? The Case of the Philippine Manufacturing Industry, March 2012



Inflation Volatility and the Inflation-Growth Tradeoff in India, 2012



Impact of Elasticities of Substitution, Technical Change, and Labour Regulations on Labour Welfare in Indian Industries, 2012



Determinants of Labor-Intensive Exports by the Developing Countries: A Cross Country Analysis, 2012



Demand for Nutrients in India: An analysis based on the 50th, 61st and 66th Rounds of the NSS, 2012



Has Dietary Transition Slowed Down in India: An analysis based on 50th, 61st and 66th Rounds of NSS, 2012



Agriculture-Nutrition Pathway in India, 2012











July, 2012







APEC Energy Overview 2011, Published July 2012 (Full Report) covering Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, United States and Viet Nam.



APEC Implementation for Cargo Status Information Network for enhancing Supply Chain Visibility, July 2012



Destination APEC 2020: A Conference on Enhancing Tourism and Air Connectivity in the Asia-Pacific Region, July 2012



Implementation of Structural Reforms - Challenges and Good Practices, July 2012



Asian Economic Integration Monitor, July 2012 is a semiannual review of Asia’s regional economic cooperation and integration. It covers 48 regional member countries of the Asian Development Bank. This issue includes a special section-Regional Integration: A Balanced View.



The Impact of ACFTA on People's Republic of China-ASEAN Trade: Estimates Based on an Extended Gravity Model for Component Trade, July 2012. Results from the extended gravity model show that the free trade agreement leads to substantially higher bilateral trade between ASEAN and the People’s Republic of China, more than what a conventional gravity model predicts.



Hong Kong: High Frequency Macroeconomic Forecasts Current Quarter Model: 2012Q3, July 2012



Understanding China's Foreign Policy Crisis Behavior, July 2012  


Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan: Japanese Leadership at a Critical Juncture, July 2012  


The Microeconomics of North-South Korean Cross-Border Integration, June 2012  


Networks, Trust, and Trade: The Microeconomics of China-North Korea Integration, June 2012  


Diverging Trajectories: Economic Rebalancing and Labor Policies in China, April 2012  


America's Voluntary Standards System - A "Best Practice" Model for Innovation Policy? February 2012  


Rent(s) Asunder: Sectoral Rent Extraction Possibilities and Bribery by Multinational Corporations, December 2011  


Gender in Transition: The Case of North Korea, November 2011  


Korea's Growth Performance: Past and Future, November 2011  


Who Should Bear the Cost of China's Carbon Emissions Embodied in Goods for Exports? November 2011  


An Evaluation of Overseas Oil Investment Projects Under Uncertainty Using a Real Options Based Simulation Model, November 2011  


Trade in Environmental Goods, with Focus on Climate-Friendly Goods and Technologies, October 2011  


The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Asia-Pacific Integration: A Quantitative Assessment, October 2011  


Resource Management and Transition in Central Asia, Azerbaijan, and Mongolia, June 2011  


Europe's Debt Crisis, Coordination Failure, and International Effects, July 2012 gives an overview of the causes of the European debt crisis and the consequences for the external relations. It finds that political mishandling has increased uncertainty, which has contributed to a tendency for the euro to become weaker.



Climate Change Mitigation and Green Growth in Developing Asia, July 2012



Asian Development Outlook 2012 Supplement: Sluggish Global Economy Weighs on Asia's Growth, July 2012



Australia-China Ties: In Search of Political Trust, June 2012
Australia's political relationship with China is far less developed than its economic relationship. Linda Jakobson argues that this is detrimental to Australia's interests because China is not merely an economic power but also a crucial political and security actor in the region. Underdeveloped political and strategic relations between Canberra and Beijing weaken Australia's ability to exert influence regionally. Australia risks being viewed by China's leaders merely as a provider of resources. Moreover, there is a danger that problems in the bilateral relationship will escalate into a crisis due to the lack of familiarity and political trust between key Australian and Chinese decision-makers.



The Lowy Institute Poll 2012: Public Opinion and Foreign Policy



Indonesia Poll 2012: Shattering Stereotypes: Public Opinon and Foreign Policy



ASEAN–China Free Trade Area and the Competitiveness of Local Industries: A Case Study of Major Industries in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, July 2012 provides an assessment of the effect of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) on three industries-wood processing, cement, and motorcycle assembly-in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. The paper finds that the ACFTA will have sizable but varying degrees of impact on the three industries.



Climate Risk and Adaptation in the Electric Power Sector, Published 2012 aims to demonstrate how a rapid climate change impact assessment can be used to identify the possible impacts of climate change on a thermal power investment project. For this demonstration, the O MON IV Combined Cycle Power Station Project in Southern Viet Nam is used for illustrative purposes.



Agriculture and Food Security in Asia by 2030, July 2012



ASEAN Integration in 2030: United States Perspectives, July 2012 argues that United States (US) participation in the East Asia Summit (EAS) was motivated by: (i) the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and emergence of the ASEAN+3 grouping; (ii) the rise of the People's Republic of China (PRC); (iii) the failure of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) arrangement to foster trade liberalization in the region; and (iv) the inability of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha Development Round to lower global trade barriers significantly.



Revisiting the Internationalization of the Yuan, July 2012 states that
before the internationalization of the Yuan can make meaningful progress, necessary conditions, such as the existence of deep and liquid financial markets, a flexible exchange rate and interest rates responsive to market conditions must be created.



Do Exporting Firms in the People's Republic of China Innovate? July 2012



Accepting Immigrants: Japan's Last Opportunity for Economic Revival, June 2012  


Future Challenges in the US-Philippines Alliance, June 2012  


International Monetary Reform: A Critical Appraisal of Some Proposals, June 2012



Prevention and Resolution of Foreign Exchange Crises in East Asia, June 2012



Rethinking Capital Flows for Emerging East Asia, June 2012



News from Nepal: A Quarterly Newsletter of the Nepal Resident Mission of the Asian Development Bank, June 2012



Socio-Economic Study of Impact of EU Nickel Compounds Classification on APEC, June 2012



One Village One Brand Project: Strategic Use of IP for SMEs in Developing Economies, Published 2012











June, 2012







Adaptation to Climate Change: The Case of a Combined Cycle Power Plant (Summary Report), Published 2012



Highlights from the 2012 Annual Meeting Knowledge Sharing and Partnership Events, May 2012



Smoke and Mirrors: Malaysia's "New" Internal Security Act, June 2012  


Innovation: A New Focus for US-Japan Economic Cooperation, June 2012  


Monetary Authority of Singapore: MAS Survey of Professional Forecasters, June 2012  


Monetary Authority of Singapore: Macroeconomic Review, Volume XI, Issue 1, April 2012 (Full Report):  


Determinants of Local Currency Bonds and Foreign Holdings: Implications for Bond Market Development in the People's Republic of China, May 2012



Rural-Urban Migration and Employment Quality: A Case Study from Thailand, April 2012



Tracking the Middle-Income Trap: What is It, Who is in It, and Why? (Part 2), March 2012



Tracking the Middle-Income Trap: What is It, Who is in It, and Why? (Part 1), March 2012



Key Trends and Developments relating to Trade and Investment Measures and their Impact on the APEC Region, June 2012.  The report found that APEC economies, particularly developing APEC economies, continue to drive global real GDP growth. However, given the fragility of the global economic recovery and the significant downside risks that remain, APEC members will need to implement strong policy responses to ensure sustainable growth. It also highlights that growth in the volume of world merchandise trade slowed in 2011 and is forecast to slow even further in 2012



Survey of Market Compliance Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Programs in APEC Economies, May 2012



APEC Economic Trends Analysis, May 2012



Concepts and Trends in Global Supply, Global Value and Global Production Chains, May 2012



Engaging Small and Medium Enterprises in Production Networks: Firm-level Analysis of Five ASEAN Economies, June 2012
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are under scrutiny for their engagement in production networks following recent emphasis on increasing intra-regional trade, rebalancing, and inclusive growth in Asia. Using a data set covering 5,900 firms in five ASEAN economies at different stages of development, this paper analyses the participation of SMEs in production networks, determinants, and policy implications.



Growth of Asian Pension Assets: Implications for Financial and Capital Markets, May 2012
Pension assets have seen rapid growth world-wide over the past decades, although they suffered large losses during the global financial crisis of 2007–2008. This paper seeks to identify the impact of Asian pension funds on selected key transmission mechanisms from pension reform to financial development.



Breaking With the Past? Civil-Military Relations in the Emerging Democracies of East Asia, Published 2012
In recent decades, several East Asian nations have undergone democratic transitions accompanied by changes in the balance of power between civilian elites and military leaders. These developments have not followed a single pattern: In Thailand, failure to institutionalize civilian control has contributed to the breakdown of democracy; civil-military relations and democracy in the Philippines are in prolonged crisis; and civilian control in Indonesia is yet to be institutionalized. At the same time, South Korea and Taiwan have established civilian supremacy and made great advances in consolidating democracy...


Political Reforms in Malaysia: Winds of Change or Hot Air? May 2012  


UK-Japan Defense Cooperation: Britain Pivots and Japan Branches Out , May 2012  


Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs, Volume 11 No. 1 Summer 2011:  


Vulnerability and Responses to Risk in Rural India, 2012



Vulnerability as Expected Poverty in Rural India, 2012



Have Natural Disasters Become Deadlier? 2012



Self Help Group-Banking-Poverty Reduction Nexus: A Case Study of Uttarakhand State, India, 2012



NREGS and TPDS in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh: Complements or Substitutes? 2012



The Impact of Infrastructure on Agricultural Productivity, April 2012



Philippine Productivity Dynamics in the Last Five Decades and Determinants of Total Factor Productivity, April 2012



Surviving Trade Liberalization in Philippine Manufacturing, April 2012



Interregional Trade of High-value Fruits and Vegetables: Issues on Transport and Shipping, March 2012



Trade Reforms, Competition, and Innovation in the Philippines, February 2012



Small and Medium Enterprises` (SMEs) Access to Finance: Philippines, February 2012



Inequities in Noncommunicable Diseases, January 2012



Rationalizing National Government Subsidies for State Universities and Colleges, January 2012



Consistent GDP Aggregation and Purchasing Power Parity, January 2012



Public-Private Partnership, March 2012



Food Security, December 2011



The Philippine Economy in 2011 and Prospects for 2012, January-February 2012



Innovation: Engine of Growth, September-October 2011



Forecasting Natural Hazards and Disasters in Selected Southeast Asian Countries: The Need for Cooperative Action, December 2011



Journal of Bhutan Studies, Volume 26, Summer 2012  










May, 2012







Narrowing the Gaps through Regional Cooperation Institutions and Governance Systems, May 2012



Basic Statistics 2012, April 2012



Reexamining Policies for Food Security in Asia, February 2012



New Economic Geography and Tax Competition in the PRC: A Firm-Level Data Analysis with Policy Implications, January 2012



Infrastructure's Role in Sustaining Asia's Growth, December 2011



Demographic Dividends for India: Evidence and Implications Based on National Transfer Accounts, December 2011



Subnational Purchasing Power Parities toward Integration of International Comparison Program and Consumer Price Index: The Case of the Philippines, December 2011



Competition, Labor Intensity, and Specialization: Structural Changes in Postcrisis Asia, November 2011



How Can Asia Respond to Global Economic Crisis and Transformation? Published 2012



Is Board Diversity Important for Firm Performance and Board Performance? - An Exploratory Study of Singapore Listed Companies, April 2012  


APEC Workshop on SME's Access to Technology, April 2012



A Snapshot of Current Trade Trends in Potential Environmental Goods and Services, April 2012



Report of the Trade Policy Dialogue on the Trade Benefits from Submarine Cable Protection, April 2012



Marine Ecosystem Assessment and Management in the Asia-Pacific Region Phase III – Pilot APEC Large Marine Ecosystems, April 2012



China's Rising Military Power & Its Implications, March 2012



The Global Commons & the Reconstruction of Sino-U.S. Military Relations, March 2012



The Rise of Emerging Economies & Its Impact, March 2012



The 2009-11 Bombing Campaign in Georgia: Who Did It, and Why? March 2012



Myanmar's Ethnic Insurgents: UWSA, KNU and KIO, February 2012



Russian Organized Crime: Recent Trends in the Baltic Sea Region, February 2012



The Transatlantic Partnership and Relations with Russia, Published 2012



An Analysis of China's Concept of Sea Power, December 2011



Developing Asia's Pension Systems and Old-Age Income Support, April 2012



The People's Republic of China's High-tech Exports: Myth and Reality, April 2012



Why Do Imports fall More than Exports Especially During Crises? Evidence from Selected Asian Economies, April 2012



Measuring Commodity-Level Trade Costs in Asia: The Basis for Effective Trade Facilitation Policies in the Region, April 2012



Food Security and Poverty in Asia and the Pacific: Key Challenges and Policy Issues, April 2012



Shaping the Future of the Asia–Latin America and the Caribbean Relationship, Published 2012



Policies and Practices for Low-Carbon Green Growth in Asia, Published 2012



ASEAN+3 Bond Market Guide, Published 2012



Development Effectiveness Review: 2011 Report, Published 2012



Rising Tensions Over China's Monopoly on Rare Earths? May 2012  


Reluctant India, Rising China and Alliance Politics in the Asia-Pacific, April 2012  


Burma/Myanmar's By-Elections: Will Personalities Trump Institutions? April 2012  


False Hopes for Chinese Economic "Integration", April 2012  


Inching Forward at the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, April 2012  


China-North Korea: Renewal of the "Blood Alliance", April 2012  


No Hedging in Canberra: The Australia-US Alliance in the "Asian Century", April 2012  


The Significance of Burma/Myanmar's By-Elections, April 2012  


The American Chamber of Commerce in the People's Republic of China: White Paper 2012, American Business in China (Bilingual, Full Report)  


Asia Bond Monitor, April 2012 reviews recent developments in East Asian local currency bond markets along with the outlook, risks, and policy options. The ABM covers the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations member countries plus the People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; and the Republic of Korea.



Exchange Rate Coordination in Asia: Evidence using the Asian Currency Unit, April 2012



Profits and Poverty: How the Private Sector is Helping to Change the Fortunes of Asia's Poor, April-June 2012



Intense Climate-Related Natural Disasters in Asia and the Pacific, April 2012



ADB Annual Report 2011, Volume 1: Main Report



ADB Annual Report 2011, Volume 2: Financial Report



Asian Development Bank Headquarters: Certified Gold for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Published 2012











April, 2012







We Cannot Allow Governor Nakaima to Falsify the History of the Battle of Okinawa, April 2012



Global Perspectives on Nuclear Safety and Security After 3-11, April 2012



North Korea's 100th - To Celebrate or To Surrender? April 2012



Japan's Debt disaster and China's (Non)Rebalancing: Stormy seas ahead? April 2012



Radiation Decontamination in Fukushima: a critical perspective from the ground, March 2012



Mr. Hashimoto Attacks Japan's Constitution, March 2012



Nuke York, New York: Nuclear Holocaust in the American Imagination from Hiroshima to 9/11, March 2012



Mismanaging Risk and the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis, March 2012



Launching the U.S. Terror War: the CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia, March 2012



Food Safety in Japan: One Year after the Nuclear Disaster, March 2012



Japan's Remarkable Renewable Energy Drive - After Fukushima, March 2012



Amid Invisible Terror: The Righteous Anger of A Fukushima Farmer Poet, March 2012



Buddhism and Disasters: From World War II to Fukushima, March 2012



Beyond Peace: Pluralizing Japan's Nuclear History, March 2012



Fukushima in Light of Minamata, March 2012



Therapy for Depression: Social Meaning of Japanese Melodrama in the Heisei Era, March 2012



Property, State and Society in Vietnam, March 2012



ADB Cooperation with Civil Society: Annual Report 2010, Published 2012



Taking the Right Road to Inclusive Growth: Industrial Upgrading and Diversification in the Philippines, Published 2012



Audio-visual Services: International Trade and Cultural Policy, April 2012



Audiovisual Services in Korea: Market Development and Policies, April 2012



Innovative Approaches to Managing Longevity Risk in Asia: Lessons from the West, April 2012



Development Trajectories, Emission Profile, and Policy Actions: Thailand, April 2012



What is the Role of Social Pensions in Asia? April 2012



Regional Cooperation towards Green Asia: Trade and Investment, April 2012



Asian Development Outlook 2012: Confronting Rising Inequality in Asia (Highlights, Full Report) covering:  


Hong Kong: High Frequency Macroeconomic Forecasts Current Quarter Model: 2012Q2, April 2012



Revolution at State: The Spread of Ediplomacy, March 2012



Inflection Point: The Australian Defence Force after Afghanistan, March 2012



The 2012 National Elections in Papua New Guinea: Averting Violence, March 2012



Energy Efficient Urban Passenger Transportation, April 2012



Report for Workshop on Satellite Data Application for Sustainable Fishery Support in APEC, April 2012



APEC Guidelines for Creating Voluntary Cyber Security ISP Codes of Practice, March 2012



Submarine Cable Information Sharing Project: Legislative Practices and Points of Contact, March 2012



Strengthening the Financial System and Mobilizing Savings to Support More Balanced Growth in ASEAN+3, March 2012



Going Regional: How to Deepen ASEAN's Financial Markets, January 2012



Lessons from the 1997 and the 2008 Crises in the Republic of Korea, January 2012



Accountability Mechanism Policy 2012, Published 2012



Insight Thursday-Beyond the Headlines, March 2012



Sights and Sounds of Asia's Water Realities, March 2012



US Agricultural Exports to ASEAN Grow - But Face Competition, March 2012  


"Linsanity," Social Media and US-Asia Relations, March 2012  


APEC Scientific Seminar-Workshop on Food Safety Risk-Benefit Analysis, March 2012



Supporting the TBT Agreement with Good Regulatory Practices, March 2012



APEC Agricultural Technology Transfer Forum, November 2011 (Published in March 2012)



APEC Symposium on Climate Change, February 2012



Airport Safety Evaluation Visit Program (ASEVP), January 2012



Philippine Studies 2011 - 2012











March, 2012







Prefeasibility Study of an ASEAN Rice Futures Market, March 2012



Counting the Cost: Financing Asian Higher Education for Inclusive Growth, January 2012



Urban Transport Strategy to Combat Climate Change in the People's Republic of China, Published 2012



Monetary Authority of Singapore: Survey of Professional Forecasters, March 2012  


Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies: Articles  


Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies: Discussion Papers  


A Key Domino? Indonesia's Death Penalty Politics, March 2012



Services as a New Engine of Growth for ASEAN, the People's Republic of China, and India, March 2012



Pacific Economic Monitor, March 2012



Knowledge Solutions Series: The Premortem Technique, March 2012



Asia's Wicked Environmental Problems, February 2012



Does School Autonomy Make Sense Everywhere? Panel Estimates from PISA, January 2012



Monetary and Currency Policy Management in Asia, Published 2012



Addressing Climate Change and Migration in Asia and the Pacific, Published 2012



Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program: Overview, Published 2012



Solomon Islands: Roads/Routes to Success, Published 2012



Demographic Change, Intergenerational Transfers, and the Challenges for Social Protection Systems in the People's Republic of China, November 2011



Local Perspectives On the Tsunami Disaster: Untold Stories From the Sanriku Coast, March 2012



Students in the field at the site of the Great East Japan Earthquake, March 2012



A Report from One Miyagi Fishing Community, March 2012



Tohoku's Futures: Predicting Outcomes or Imagining Possibilities? March 2012



The Great East Japan Earthquake One Year on: Reports From The Field, March 2012



Nuclear Power and China's Energy Future: Limited Options, February 2012



North Korea's Dynastic Succession, February 2012



Mage - Japan's Island Beyond the Reach of the Law, February 2012



Recent Trends in Organized Crime in Japan: Yakuza vs the Police, & Foreign Crime Gangs - Part 2, February 2012



Transcending Boundaries, Embracing Others: Nationalism and Transnationalism in Modern and Contemporary Korea, February 2012



21st-Century Yakuza: Recent Trends in Organized Crime in Japan - Part 1, February 2012



"The Coming of a Second Sun": The 1956 Atoms for Peace Exhibit in Hiroshima and Japan's Embrace of Nuclear Power, February 2012



War, War Crimes, Power and Justice: Toward a Jurisprudence of Conscience, January 2012



Henoko and the U.S. Military: A History of Dependence and Resistance, January 2012



Megasolar Japan: The Prospects for Green Alternatives to Nuclear Power, January 2012



Hooked on Nuclear Power: Japanese State-Local Relations and the Vicious Cycle of Nuclear Dependence, January 2012



North Korea after Kim Jong Il: The Kim Jong Un era and its challenges, January 2012



Science with a Skew: The Nuclear Power Industry After Chernobyl and Fukushima, January 2012



US-Vietnam: New Strategic Partners Begin Tough Trade Talks, February 2012  


Syria: What China Has Learned From its Libya Experience, February 2012  


India, Thailand and the Burma Connection, February 2012  


Russia in the Asia-Pacific: Between Integration and Geopolitics, February 2012  


Food Price Escalation in South Asia - A Serious and Growing Concern, February 2012



Service Sector Reforms Asia-Pacific Perspectives, Published 2011



Trade Impact of Life Cycle Analysis in Multi-Attribute Certification Programs for Flooring Materials and Plumbing Fixtures in Five Focus APEC Member Economies, February 2012



Trade Impact of Green Commercial Building Rating Systems in the Asia-Pacific Region, February 2012



APEC LED Workshop: Policies to protect and educate consumers, February 2012



Key Success Factors in Trade in Services, January 2012



APEC Workshop on Energy and Green Transport Benefits of Electric Vehicles, January 2012



2011 Outcomes Report of APEC Senior Disaster Management Officials Forum, Published 2012



1st APEC Training Course on Common Principles to Shipping Policy, December 2011



2011 Key APEC Documents



APEC Outcomes and Outlook 2011/2012



APEC’s Achievements in Trade Facilitation 2007-2010 - Final Assessment of TFAPII, January 2012



APEC Economic Trends Analysis, February 2012



APEC at a Glance, 2012



APEC New Strategy for Structural Reform: Economy Priorities and Progress Assessment Measures, November 2011



2011 CTI Report to Ministers



Assessing the Resilience of ASEAN Banking Systems: The Case of the Philippines, February 2012



Going Green: Why Asia is Moving Toward a Green Model of Economic Growth, January - March 2012



Green Growth, Resources and Resilience: Environmental Sustainability in Asia and the Pacific, Published 2012



Accelerating Equitable Achievement of the MDGs: Closing Gaps in Health and Nutrition Outcomes, Published 2012



Knowledge Solutions Series: On Organizational Configurations, February 2012 and Business Model Innovation, January 2012











February, 2012







Lessons of the European Crisis for Regional Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia, February 2012



Regional and Global Monetary Cooperation, February 2012



Strengthening Financial Infrastructure, February 2012



Ownership Structure and Export Performance: Firm-Level Evidence from the Republic of Korea, December 2011



Institutional Model of Decentralization in Action, December 2011



Asian Financial System: Development and Challenges, November 2011



Population, Wealth, and Economic Growth in the Asia and Pacific Region, October 2011



Exports and Employment in Indonesia: The Decline in Labor-Intensive Manufacturing and the Rise of Services, October 2011



Between-Country Disparities in MDGs: The Asia and Pacific Region, October 2011



Quality Employment and Firm Performance Evidence from Indian Firm-Level Data, October 2011



Foundations of Collective Action in Asia: Theory and Practice of Regional Cooperation, February 2012



Strengthening Capacity of Developing Member Countries for Managing Credit Enhancement Products, Published 2012



Asian Judges Symposium on Environmental Decision Making, the Rule of Law, and Environmental Justice: The Proceedings of the Symposium, Published 2011



Mongoia: Road Sector Development to 2016, Published 2011



The Foundations of China's Future Stability, February 2012  


Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone and the Nuclear-Weapon States, February 2012  


U.S.-China Competition in Asia: Legacies Help America, February 2012  


Supply Chain Visibility Feasibility Study (Phase 1), February 2012



Cool Roofs in APEC Economies: Review of Experience, Best Practices and Potential Benefits, December 2011



Transparency in International Investment Agreements, December 2011



International Seminar and Workshop on Policies to Promote the Use of ICTs by SME Experiences in APEC Economies, November 2011



Seminar-Workshop on the Assessment of Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) in APEC Member Economies, October 2011



Monetary Authority of Singapore: MAS Survey of Professional Forecasters, December 2011  


International Journal of Korean Studies, Volume XV, Number 2, 2011  


Responding to the Global Financial Crisis: The Evolution of Asian Regionalism and Economic Globalization, January 2012



Effective Development Aid: Selectivity, Proliferation and Fragmentation, and the Growth Impact of Development Assistance, January 2012



Willingness to Pay and Inclusive Tariff Designs for Improved water Supply Services in Khulna, Bangladesh, January 2012



Indonesia's Blasphemy Law: Bleak Outlook for Minority Religions, January 2012  


Taiwan: Crisis Deferred, But Maybe Not For Long, January 2012  


China and Greater Central Asia: New Frontiers? December 2011



The Conclusion of a Korean Peace Treaty and the U.S. Strategy in the Asia Pacific Region, December 2011



Reasons Behind the Strained Inter-Korean Relations and Ways to Improve Them, December 2011



International Financial Integration and Crisis Intensity, January 2012



Biofuels in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Energy Sufficiency, Food Security, and Environmental Management, January 2012



Improving Instructional Quality: Focus on Faculty Development, December 2011



Sustainable Health Care Financing in the Republic of Palau, Published 2011



Research Outcomes: Summary of Research Projects 2008-2011, Published 2012



APEC Policy Support Unit, Published 2012



Enhancing Food Security through a Regional Approach and Wide Stakeholder Participation to Plant Biosecurity, November 2011



Transborder Control and Optimal Transborder Logistics Final Report, November 2011



The Concept of the Low-Carbon Town in the APEC Region, October 2011











January, 2012







The PRC's Free Trade Agreements with ASEAN, Japan, and the Republic of Korea: A Comparative Analysis, January 2012



Food for All: Investing in Food Security in Asia and the Pacific - Issues, Innovations, and Practices, Published 2011



Indicators for the Asian Development Bank Energy Sector Operations (2005–2010), Published 2011



The Revised Social Protection Index: Methodology and Handbook, October 2011



Post-Crisis Japanese Nuclear Policy: From Top-Down Directives to Bottom-Up Activism, January 2012  


The Emerging Strategic Dynamic in Southeast Asia, January 2012  


Pacific Island Nations: How Viable Are Their Economies? Published 2012  


Is Trade in Asia Really Integrating? January 2012



Intra-Asia Exchange Rate Volatility and Intra-Asia Trade: Evidence by Type of Goods, December 2011



Economics of Climate Proofing at the Project Level: Two Pacific Case Studies, November 2011



The Aftermath of Structural Pension Reform: Managing Legacy Costs of Defined Benefit Pensions in India, Published 2011



The New Silk Road: Ten Years of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program, Published 2011



A Problem for all Humanity: Nagasaki Writer Hayashi Kyoko Probes the Dangers of Nuclear Energy, December 2011



Dead Forests, Dying People: Agent Orange & Chemical Warfare in Vietnam, December 2011



War Claims and Compensation: Franco-Vietnamese Contention over Japanese War Reparations and the Vietnam War, December 2011



Why the New "Emphasis on Asia" in U.S. Policy? December 2011



Asian Development Review, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2011 (Full Report):   ADB
Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 12, 2011  


Profile of Out-of-School Children in the Philippines, January 2012



Managing International Labor Migration: The Philippine Experience, December 2011



Disability and Gender: The Case of the Philippines, December 2011



Dynamics of Poverty in the Philippines: Distinguishing the Chronic from the Transient Poor, December 2011



A Note on Economic Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in the Philippines, December 2011



Multimarket Modeling of Agricultural Supply when Crop Land Is a Quasi-fixed Input: A Note, December 2011



Different Stream, Different Needs, and Impact: Managing International Labor Migration in ASEAN: Thailand (Immigration), December 2011



Different Stream, Different Needs, and Impact: Managing International Labor Migration in ASEAN: Thailand (Emigration), December 2011



Irregular Migration from Cambodia: Characteristics, Challenges, and Regulatory Approach, December 2011



The Governance of Indonesian Overseas Employment in the Context of Decentralization, December 2011



Foreign Labor in Singapore: Trends, Policies, Impacts, and Challenges, December 2011



Regional Economic Integration in East Asia: Progress and Pathways, December 2011



The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Labor Market: The Case of the Philippines, December 2011



Expanding Social Health Insurance Coverage: New Issues and Challenges, December 2011



Analysis of the President`s Budget for 2012, November 2011



A Generalized Exactly Additive Decomposition of Aggregate Labor Productivity Growth, November 2011



Contagious Migration: Evidence from the Philippines, September 2011



Innovation in the Automotive Sector of the Philippines, September 2011



Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program and School Attendance: Early Indications of Success, November 2011



Value Addition: the Way of the Future for Philippine Mining, October 2011



What`s in Store for AFNR Graduates in the Philippines? July-August 2011



Water Pollution Impedes Management of Freshwater for Human Consumption, May-June 2011



PIDS Launches its First Economic Policy Monitor, March-April 2011



Core Elements of International Investment Agreements in Domestic Investment Frameworks in the APEC Region, December 2011



Resource Potential of Algae for Sustainable Biodiesel Production in the APEC Economies, December 2011



Best Practice Guide Improving Business Regulation In APEC Member Economies, December 2011



Survey Report and Best Practice Guide for LED Street and Outdoor Lighting, December 2011



BCP Status of the Private Sector in the APEC Region 2011, December 2011



Enhancing Broadband Development and Internet Usages for Improving Networks and Services in APEC Member Economies, July 2011



Higher Education Across Asia: An Overview of Issues and Strategies, November 2011



Hong Kong: High Frequency Macroeconomic Forecasts Current Quarter Model: 2012Q1, January 2012



Child Poverty, Demographic Transition and Gender Bias in Education in India: Household Data Analysis (1993–94 and 2004–05), Published 2011



Food Subsidy, Income Transfer and the Poor: A Comparative Analysis of the Public Distribution System in India's States, Published 2011



Political Reservations, Access to Water and Welfare Outcomes: Evidence from Indian Villages, Published 2011