
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
International Information Services respects the intellectual
property rights of others and requires our users to do the same. If you are
a copyright owner, authorized to act on behalf of one, or authorized to act
under any exclusive right under copyright, you may report alleged copyright
infringements taking place on or through this website to the Copyright Agent
named below. Section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires
that your notice must be in writing and must include substantially all of
the following:
reasonably sufficient to permit International Information Services to
contact you or your authorized agent, including a name, address,
telephone number and email address,
description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed,
Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be
the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access
to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to
permit us to locate the material. We request that complete URLs for each
instance of the allegedly infringing material be provided.
A statement
by you or the copyright owner that you have a good faith belief that the
disputed use is not authorized by you, the copyright owner, its agent,
or the law,
A physical
or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the
owner of the copyright owner,
A statement
that the information in the copyright infringement notice is accurate,
and under penalty of perjury, that you are the copyright owner or
authorized to act on behalf of the owner.
Copyright Agent
Contact Information
Your written
copyright infringement notice must be sent to Information Services’
designated copyright agent via mail, fax, or email:
By Mail:
International Information Services
26 Locksley
Newton, MA
By Fax:
By Email:
For security
reasons, email attachments may be blocked. Please do not include any
attachments if you send your notice via email.
Section 512(f)
of the Copyright Act provides that any person who knowingly materially
misrepresents that material or activity is infringing may be subject to
Notification of Trademark
If you believe that your trademark (the "Infringed Mark") is
being used by a user in a way that constitutes trademark infringement,
please provide International Information Services’ Copyright Agent
(specified above) with the following information:
reasonably sufficient to permit International Information Services to
contact you or your authorized agent, including a name, address,
telephone number and email address,
Identification of the Infringed Mark(s) claimed to have been infringed,
including (i) for registered Infringed Marks, a copy of each relevant
federal trademark registration certificate or (ii) for common law
Infringed Marks, evidence sufficient to establish the time period and
geographic area in which the Infringed Mark has been used by you,
reasonably sufficient to permit International Information Services to
identify the use being challenged,
A statement
that you have not authorized the challenged use, and that you have a
good-faith belief that the challenged use is not authorized by law,
physical or electronic signature, or a physical or electronic signature
of a person authorized to act on your behalf,
A statement
that the information in the notification is accurate and, under penalty
of perjury, that you are the Infringed Mark owner, or are authorized to
act on behalf of the Infringed Mark owner.
Upon receipt of notice as described above, International
Information Services will confirm the existence of the Infringed Mark on our
site, notify the Registered User who posted the Infringed Mark, and take
whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including
removal of the Infringed Mark from our site. A Registered User may respond
to notice of takedown by showing either (a) that the Infringed Mark has been
cancelled, or has expired or lapsed or (b) that the Registered User has a
trademark registration, an unexpired license covering the use, or some other
relevant right to the Infringed Mark. If the Registered User succeeds in
showing either (a) or (b) then International Information Services will not
remove the Infringed Mark. If International Information Services decides to
comply with a takedown request, it will do so within a commercially
reasonable time after receipt of the notice.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, International Information Services will
comply as appropriate with the terms of any court order relating to alleged
trademark infringement on the Site.
Rights of Publicity and Use of
Name or Likeness
Information Services respects the rights of individuals to exploit their own
name, voice, signature, photograph or likeness and prohibits its users from
posting content that would otherwise misappropriate a third party's right of
publicity. If you think that your right of publicity is being
misappropriated as a result of the content on the Site, please provide
International Information Services’ Copyright Agent (specified above) with
the following information:
reasonably sufficient to permit International Information Services to
identify the Content containing your likeness;
Your name,
address, telephone number and, if available, your email address;
A statement that you, or
in the case of a minor, your parent or legal guardian, (the "Authorizing
has not authorized the challenged use, and that the use is not otherwise
authorized by law; and
A statement
that the information in the notification is accurate and, under penalty
of perjury, that you are the Authorizing Party or that you are
authorized to act on behalf of the Authorizing Party.
Upon receipt of
notice as described above, International Information Services will take
whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including
removal of the challenged use from the Site, with notice to the Registered
User in question, unless, prior to such removal, the Registered User in
question sufficiently demonstrates that he or she has appropriate
authorization or consent to use your likeness.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, International Information Services will
comply as appropriate with the terms of any court order relating to the
behavior of the challenged party identified in such court order.