
Australia South Asia Research Centre (ASARC) was
established as an initiative of the National University of Australia’s
Division of Economics through the Strategic Development Fund of the
Institute of Advanced Studies, and with financial assistance from the
Australian Department of Employment, Education and Training. The Centre
focuses on India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and the
Maldives. The Centre is dedicated to research on the economics and politics
of development in the South Asia region.
The primary aims of the
Centre are:
- to study the
economic development and political economy of
South Asia, particularly of India, taking into
account Australia's national interests, and the
dynamics of economic cooperation and interaction
in the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions
- to provide a
focus for scholarly interest across disciplines
in South Asia throughout The Australian National
- to develop a
database on the South Asian economies
- to establish
research linkages with South Asian research and
teaching institutions, and with Australian
institutions with research interests in South
- to establish and
maintain consultative links with South Asian
governments, the Commonwealth Government of
Australia and its agencies (particularly AusAID
and the Department of Foreign Affairs and
Trade), the Australian business community and
its organisations, and with significant
non-government organisations
- to disseminate
the findings of research work throughout the
community. The Centre publishes a series on
South Asia within the Economics Division Working
- to undertake
training activities on South Asian economics
particularly at postgraduate level. Currently
Professor Raghbendra Jha and Professor
Prema-chandra Athukorala are concentrating on
issues of financial sector reform and
anti-poverty policy as well as the political
economy of health care in India.
The focus of the
Centre is on economic reform and
internationalisation of the economies. The subject
matter of research extends to international
relations and political economy of South Asia's
reform and integration into the international
economy. Below is a list of research projects and
other activities of the Centre:
- The design and
implementation of Social Safety Nets in India
(funded by the Australian Research Council and
- Vulnerability
and Natural Disasters in Central Asia and the
Pacific Islands (funded by International Fund
for Agricultural Development, Rome).
- The behavior of
calorie and protein intake in rural India — in
particular a study of nutrition–poverty traps
(funded by the Department for International
Development (DFID), UK).
- Fiscal Policy
Design in Developing Countries, with special
reference to India.
- Vulnerability of
Consumption Growth in Rural India.
- The view of
international environmental arrangements and the
arguments for a world environmental organization
— in particular the interest of Asian
development countries in such an organization.
Also the role of international distribution of
consumption in determining global environmental
degradation (funded by the John D. and Catherine
T. MacArthur Foundation, USA)
- Review of
anti-poverty programs in India (funded by
International Fund for Agricultural Development,
- Review of the
prospects for attainment of Millennium
Development Goals in India (funded by the World
- Global public
goods and the emerging world order (funded by
the United Nations Development Program);
- The effect of
liberalisation on economic inequality in India
(funded by World Institute for Development
Economics Research (WIDER), Helsinki);
- Proposals for
global taxes and charges to supplement
international aid funds (funded by WIDER,
- The
sustainability of fiscal deficits in developing
countries (funded by WIDER, Helsinki);
- Tariff policy in
the Indian Ocean Rim countries (funded by
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Commonwealth Government of Australian);
- Pricing issues
in Australian telephony (funded by Network
Economics Consulting Group, Australia);
agreement on research collaboration (The Indian
Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New
Delhi, was set up by the Government of India as
the main vehicle to fund and promote research in
the social sciences in India).
Full-Text Online carries all the ASARC’s working
papers from the present back to 2000.
For further information, please visit
the ASARC website.