The MIT-GTZ joint project acts on the Government
level. It focuses on the elaboration of the
regulatory institutional environment which is
beneficial for the export-oriented business sectors.
They advise and support Mongolian government
institutions as well as other relevant stakeholders
in the field of industrial and trade policy, by
means of a flexible and target-oriented change
management system.
Albeit it has faced substantial structural changes,
Mongolia successfully managed to stabilize its
economy and to achieve some economic growth during
the transition process to a market economy.
However, domestic
markets in Mongolia are too small to generate
sufficient and sustainable economic growth for
significantly reducing poverty and unemployment
(core problem). The much needed utilization of
existing export potentials is hampered by reduced
international competitiveness of Mongolian products,
restricted access to foreign market, and unfavorable
institutional frame conditions. Although trade
liberalization has been implemented successfully,
more stream-lined national industrial and trade
policies are to be drafted.
MIT-GTZ publishes studies on the Mongolian
Economy, trade, government policy and regulation,
vertical industries, as well as studies of universal
interest on economic development and export
GTZ is a consulting company wholly owned by the
German government. GTZ is under the German Federal
Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Their main client is the German government, but they
also work for other entities such as the United
Nations, European Commission, World Bank, providing
overseas technical expertise. It provides viable,
forward-looking solutions for political, economic,
ecological and social development in a globalised
world. GTZ promotes complex reforms and change
processes, often working under difficult conditions.
Its corporate objective is to improve people’s
living conditions on a sustainable basis. Currently,
GTZ is implementing some 2,700 development projects
and programmes in over 130 countries. They have
offices in 67 of these countries, and in 2003 our
turnover was almost 900 million euro.
For further information, please visit
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