
ISEAS Working
Papers on International Politics and Security Issues
2(2011) Bernhard Platzdasch,
Freedom In Indonesia: The Case of the Ahmadiyah, 2011
1(2011) Amitav Acharya,
Is Not One: Regionalism and the Ideas of Asia, 2011
1(2004): Graham Gerard Ong,
'Ships Can Be
Dangerous Too': Coupling Piracy and Maritime Terrorism in
Southeast Asia's Maritime Security Framework, 2004
1(2003): Sheng Lijun,
China-ASEAN Fee Trade Area: Origins, Developments and Strategic
Motivations, 2003
3(2001): Derek da Cunha,
Military Buildups Post-Asian Crisis: The Effect on Two Key
Southeast Asian Bilateral Military Balances, 2001
2(2001): Sheng Lijun,
One Year of
the Chen Shui-Bian Government: Ice Across the Taiwan Strait,
1(2001): Anthony L. Smith,
One State, Many States, Chaotic State? 2001
4(1999): Derek da Cunha, Southeast Asia’s Security Dynamics: A
Multiplicity of Approaches Amidst Changing Geopolitical
Circumstances, July 1999
3(1999): Jürgen Haacke, ‘Flexible Engagement’: On the
Significance, Origins and Prospects of a Spurned Policy
Proposal, February 1999
2(1999): Sheng Li Jun, China and the United States as Strategic
Partners into the Next Century, February 1999
1(1999): Sorpong Peou, The ASEAN Regional Forum and Post-Cold War
IR Theories: A Case for Constructive Realism?, January 1999
1(1997): Simon J. Hay, ASEAN’s Regional Security Dialogue Process:
From Expectation to Reality?, March 1997
1(1996): Derek da Cunha, The Need for Weapons Upgrading in
Southeast Asia: Present and Future, March 1996 |
Source: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore |