New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, Volume
1, June 2003
Violence and Conflicting Narratives: A Study of Myth and Reality,
pp. 5 - 24
In the predominantly agrarian patriarchial societies of Bihar
and Uttar Pradesh that are still trapped between tradition and
modernity, even today the moral values projected through
Manusmriti and other ancient Brahminical religious texts of the
Hindus heavily influence the mindset of the people. In these
societies, marriage, negotiated strictly within the caste
configurations and symbolised by the vermillion mark in the
parting of the hair of women, is the only situation which
legitimises the relationship between an unrelated man and a
woman. In no other situation is a relationship between a man and
a woman who do not belong to the same family, tolerated. Even
today asymmetrical love relationships between members of the
upper castes and those belonging to castes and communities in
the lower socio-economic strata, and also narratives about such
relationships, produce violence at various levels. This paper
deals with the phenomenon of violence that took place around
such an asymetrical love relationship and tries to analyse the
relationship between the myths and realities centering around
this story. The fractured nature of folk society is reflected in
the various contesting versions of this myth
An Accord
of Cautious Distance: Muslims in New Zealand, Ethnic Relations,
and Image Management, pp. 24 - 50
The terrorist attacks in the USA of 11th September 2001 have
tended to problematise the presence of Muslims in Western
society. In the aftermath of these events media and popular
press have re-evaluated Western Muslims and Islam per se in
terms of whether these pose an inherent threat. This paper
discusses the presence of Muslims in New Zealand, the policies
the major Muslim organisations pursue in terms of encouraging a
particular Islamic and Muslim identity within the Muslim
community and projecting an acceptable image of Islam vis-à-vis
the host society. It also discusses the host society’s reaction
to the presence of a Muslim minority, which appears, so far, to
be noticeably different to the situation in other Western
The Myth
of Multiracialism in Post-9/11 Singapore: The Tudung Incident,
pp. 51 - 72
In early 2002, the easily neglected Muslim headscarf incident in
Singapore has triggered a rare but fiery and continuous debate
within the country, which widely involves her neighbors. Through
the incident, this article reveals the plight of Singapore’s
Malay Muslims, who have been marginalized for a long time from
the state’s commitment to social mobility and ethnic
integration. The article queries the Singaporean government’s
commitment to both multiracialism and shared values is
self-contradictory, as well as the country’s possible
miscarriage of political openness since late 1980s. The
situation seems to be getting worse in the international context
of Post-Asian Economic Crisis and Post-September 11
Interpreting Chinese Tradition: A Clansmen Organization in
Singapore, pp. 72 - 90
This paper takes the case of a Pang clansmen organization in
Singapore and examines how its activities objectify Chinese
tradition and negotiate identity and nationalism. I argue that
these activities celebrated within the national boundaries
contribute to the reinforcement of Chinese tradition and
celebration of Singaporean Chinese identity within Singapore’s
multi-ethnic society. In addition, joint activities and other
linkages to the Pangs in their homeland in China further bind
the Pangs from different places together, forming a larger
imagined community in a post-national world. These connections
between the Pangs in different localities reveal how the Chinese
identity has extended beyond the borders of the nation state.
Meanwhile, the activities in the ‘homeland’ have also led the
Singaporean Pangs to realize the differences between themselves
and their counterparts living in mainland China and thus further
asserted their identity of being a Singaporean Chinese.
Deconstructing ‘Japanisation’: Reflections from the “Learn from
Japan” Campaign in Singapore, pp. 91 - 106
In the late 1970s, like many countries dazzled by Japan’s post
WW2 economic success, Singapore embarked on a ‘Learn from Japan’
effort in the hope that Japanese success would provide a model
to help the country succeed in its economic restructuring. This
paper traces the developments of several initiatives during the
‘learn from Japan’ movement. It argues that despite the apparent
zealousness towards Japan, Singapore still ‘looks West’ in
general’. In this context, admiration towards Japan stems from
its ideology of wakon yosai (Japanese spirit, Western
technology), where Western practices and models are
‘re-conditioned’ to suite an Asian context. The paper concludes
with a glimpse at developments in the 1990s; although the ‘learn
from Japan’ movement in Singapore has officially ended with
Japan’s economic recession, the Japanese experience is still
examined. In the recent years, Japanese pop-cultural influences
in Singapore and Asia have further revived the debates on ‘Japanization’.
Systems, Representational Roles and Legislator Behaviour:
Evidence from Hong Kong, pp. 107 - 120
This paper reports the results of a test of the relationship
between electoral systems, role perceptions and legislator
behaviour. The research is based on a study of Hong Kong’s
Legislative Council (LegCo), whose members are elected by a
variety of routes. A sample of LegCo members were interviewed
about their own perceptions of their role and their behaviour,
with reference both to the way they divide their time between
legislative and constituency duties, and to their
representational focus. It is thus possible to assess the impact
of differing electoral systems on the way they behave, and to
estimate the salience of electoral system compared with role
perceptions in determining a legislator’s behaviour. The
findings confirm important electoral system effects, though role
perception effects, mediated by party, are also significant.
Japanese Linguistics
in the Te-form with Auxiliary Verbs
In Modern Japanese, deletion of 0a segment inside a word, or
“syncope”, is frequently observed in informal/casual speech or
in fast speech, especially when the te-form of a verb, which
roughly corresponds to the present participle in English, is
followed by a vowel-initial auxiliary verb or by a
consonant-initial auxiliary verb, /simaw/. In this paper,
following a brief introduction of Optimality Theory (Prince &
Smolensky 1993), I account for syncope observed in Modern
Japanese by means of constraint interaction and constraint
reranking. In formal speech, faithfulness constraint MAX-IO
(i.e. no deletion of segments) is ranked higher than such
markedness constraints as *LAB (i.e. no labials), ONSET (i.e. no
onsetless syllables) and *V (i.e. no vowels), so that segments
in the underlying representation are preserved in the surface
form. In informal speech, on the other hand, context-free
constraints MAX-C-IO (i.e. no deletion of consonants) and
MAX-V-IO (i.e. no deletion of vowels) are demoted below *LAB and
*V, respectively. This results in the deletion of labials and
vowels from the place where such segments are not protected by
highly-ranked constraints or where the deletion does not incur
serious constraint violation, such as that of undominated
CODACOND (i.e. coda consonants are placeless) or *COMPLEX (i.e.
no complex onset or coda)
The Use
of kare/kanojo in Japanese Society Today, pp. 121 - 138
This paper aims to discuss the use of kare/kanojo (he/she) in
Japanese society today, in order to elucidate the
socio-psychological significance of these terms. Based on
questionnaires and interviews recently surveyed in Japan, the
paper will discuss what categories of people are more likely
referred to as kare/kanojo, what social factors affect the use
of these terms. The paper finds that compared with the time when
Hinds (1975) surveyed, the use of kare/kanojo has dramatically
changed, and it is notable that these terms are more frequently
used and refer to more varied types of people. However, they are
not merely used at random, either. Some emotional detachment
toward the person referred to is needed as a trigger of the
occurrence of kare/kanojo.
and Non-Japanese Perception of Japanese Communication, pp.
156 - 177
Graduate Research Essay
A Mobile
Phone of One’s Own: Japan’s “Generation M”, pp. 139 - 155
Although the mobile phone has now become a symbol of
globalization and is an indispensable item in our daily lives,
it was Japanese youth who were amongst the first in the world to
adapt this instrument and turn it into an icon. This paper
examines the ways in which the youth of Japan have
reappropriated the mobile phone (keitai-denwa) so that it is no
longer a mere tool for “communication”: unique innovations such
as the attachment of straps, downloading of ring tones, and
technology which incorporates e-mail, Internet, digital camera
and video functions, mean that the mobile phone allows Japanese
youth to express their “individuality.” This paper explores the
psychology behind their use of mobile phones, placing it in a
larger cultural framework, and looks at claims by Japanese
researchers that the mobile phone has led to changes in the way
that young people relate to their friends and even their family.
Contemporary media including advertising pamphlets, television
campaigns, and magazine articles are analyzed in order to reveal
the profound relationship between Japan’s Generation “M” (mobile
and moneyed) and their consumption of a tool that seems to
embody all that is necessary for survival in the twenty-first
Review Article
Memory and the Nation: Remembering Partition
G. Pandey, Remembering Partition: Violence, Nationalism and
History in India, pp. 178 - 194