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Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies

Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies is a peer reviewed, multi-disciplinary, annual electronic journal devoted to research on all aspects of the Chinese southern diaspora (that is, in Southeast Asia, Australasia, and the southwest Pacific region), from the earliest times to the present. The journal's initial editors are Drs Li Tana and Nola Cooke. The editorial board is global, comprised of scholars from Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America.


The journal, which incorporates the newsletter of the Centre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora at The Australian National University, is produced with the financial support of the Cushman Memorial Fund. The Centre wishes to record its gratitude to the Cushman Memorial Fund for its ongoing assistance in this and other areas of its activities.

The journal is comprised of 3 sections:

  • The first section contains new, internationally refereed, research articles, and occasionally translations of previously published but significant pieces translated from regional or formerly colonial languages.

  • The second section, "Research Data and Notes", publishes primary materials, data papers, short research notes, and so forth dealing with aspects of the Chinese southern diaspora, past and present. This section includes, whenever possible, key excerpts (translated into English) from the most significant sources of the research articles in that edition, plus translations into English (and, to a lesser extent, Chinese) of unpublished or otherwise hard-to-access materials of value to researchers.

  • The third section is the CSCSD newsletter. Among other things, it provides a directory of graduate students working on relevant dissertations, as well as information on the various monetary prizes awarded by the Centre in memory of Jennifer Cushman, a pioneering scholar in the field of Chinese southern diaspora studies and an important CSCSD benefactor.

The journal is be partly bilingual. The editors hope to publish at least one original contribution in Chinese in each edition (with a lengthy English summary), in order to facilitate wider access to recent Chinese research in this large field.

For further information, please visit the Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies website.